Physical therapy in Baton Rouge for Walking
While walking is an Olympic sport for some, for most of us it is simply a mode of transportation used to get us relatively short distances. Walking, however, can be more than just a form of transport. If you get your heartrate up while you walk then it is an excellent form of exercise that can be used to remain active, keep fit, and keep your weight in check.
Walking as an exercise (fitness walking) can be done outdoors, on an indoor track, or on a treadmill in the comfort of your own home or gym. Many people even walk for exercise indoors at their local shopping centre if the weather is too inclement to head out. Both indoor and outdoor walking can be excellent forms of fitness and can be modified in order to give you the type of workout you desire.
This part of our website is designed to assist you in preventing injuries due to walking by preparing your body for the activity, helping you to choose the right walking gear and by making you aware of the most common injuries that might occur from walking. Get those feet on the ground and try fitness walking! After all, these boots (or rather, shoes...) were made for walking, right?
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